2023–24 Students Speak

Students Speak

We asked students:
“What sport do you prefer to play the most and why?”

Here’s what they said.

Daania H.

Grade 3

I like soccer because it is a team sport and we get to work together as a team and have fun. When I work together with others it makes me happy.

Charlotte G.

Grade 4

I like cross-country because running outside makes me feel calm and free. I push myself hard and it’s rewarding to see my improvement throughout the season. Trying your best and believing that you can finish anything you start are the most important things.

Leigh S.

Grade 5

I like cross-country because I feel joy when I’m running. I like going to the meets because they help me practise staying focused and become more mentally strong when I compete.

Saachi B.

Grade 6

Although I enjoy playing many sports, basketball is my favourite by far. It’s a fast paced game where something is happening almost every second. It’s also very special to me since I have been watching NBA games with my family since I was six years old.

Juliette H.

Grade 7

My favourite sport to play is ice hockey because it’s fast, fun and, most of all, I like being part of a team. As a member of a team we train together, learn to win and lose together, support each other and have a lot of fun!

Amelie A.

Grade 8

I value playing Ultimate [Frisbee] because this sport has a balance between being competitive, creating new connections and developing a bigger community. As a co-ed sport, Havergal’s team has partnered with Crescent School, which is a chance for us to build new connections with students outside of our school.

Vera L.

Grade 8

There is no better feeling than being on the court, dribbling, shooting and scoring points, which is why I prefer to play basketball. In addition, this sport allows me to make memories that I will always remember with my teammates, from morning practices to winning the championships. These are just a few of many factors that make basketball so special to me.

Marlowe A.

Grade 9

My favourite sport is hockey because of the friendships and bonds I have made with my team. I love playing hockey because of the physical aspect it has on competing and working as a team.

Liv C.

Grade 10

My sport of choice is soccer because I love the community that it creates. Being on a soccer team allows you to become deeply connected to your teammates, which results in a positive environment. Soccer has allowed me to make lifelong friendships while prioritizing hard work and improvements to eventually reach the future goals I’m striving for.

Kenyah F.

Grade 10

Although I play competitive volleyball, there will always be a special place in my heart for flag football. The community and energy flag football brings always makes my time on the field enjoyable and is something I am always keen for.

Kaylee W.

Grade 11

For me, badminton has always been more than just a game; it has been my teacher in discipline, resilience and sportsmanship. The thrill of a perfectly executed shot is simply unmatched, creating a passion that fuels my love for the sport.

Lauren C.

Grade 12

I prefer to play rugby the most as it allows me to push myself physically and mentally while having fun. The physicality and fast-paced nature of the game have taught me resilience, grit and communication skills—skills that I attribute to much of my character today. Playing with other strong female rugby players has also empowered me to embrace my identity and has provided me with a unique sense of belonging that I will forever be grateful for.

Published April 2024
2023–24 Issue

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